< 1 min

Updated: Nov 6

Over 150 schools and businesses trust MyMedBot to track and screen for COVID-19 in their communities on a daily basis – we have now performed over 1 million health screenings. With the new app update, MyMedBot has taken our users’ feedback on board and has made improvements to the user experience.

How have we done it?

We have streamlined the account creation process to get your organization up and running, mitigating the spread of COVID-19 quicker. We have improved how reporters view and answer questions, making it easier to track COVID-19 symptoms every morning. As requested by health professionals, we added a review screen to double-check your symptom responses before you submit.

MyMedBot is not only exclusive to COVID-19 screening. The app and dashboard allow administrators to expand their health screening capabilities beyond the pandemic. MyMedBot can track attendance, screen allergies, and plan spirit week costumes. It can also be used as a communication tool between administrators and reporters.

What does it look like?

Take a look at pictures of the new app below and watch our updated video for app users!

Track your community's immunization status

Screen your community for COVID-19 symptoms

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