2 minutes

Updated: Nov 6

We are starting our blog with an announcement — MyMedBot is now helping more than 100 American schools and districts open their doors to students and staff! 40,000 students and teachers in 20 states feel safer knowing that MyMedBot enables their schools to easily apply health protocols and care for the well-being of their communities during this pandemic.

How did we get here?

In the words of one school nurse, “when COVID-19 came crashing into our lives, schools needed a way to limit traffic to those who will be present and without symptoms”. Founded to automate school health protocols, MyMedBot identified this specific need back in March. At that time, before a business meeting, Jacob and Greg were presented with a paper form asking about their symptoms.

A paper form?

How can you screen thousands of people with a paper form and prevent symptomatic people from entering a building? How can paper forms be stored securely?

After this experience we started developing our own solution and, in the process, interviewed hundreds of school nurses to find what they would need for school reopening. It was clear that no user-friendly secure solution was available for schools. People were panicking.

We launched MyMedBot on August 1st, and in the span of a few weeks implemented the secure, reliable and fit-for-purpose solution in more than 100 educational institutions across the US. Over the summer we received positive and insightful feedback from all our schools and we rolled out multiple new features. MyMedBot is now implementable immediately upon sign-up to improve school safety and provide peace-of-mind to families.

We will be posting regularly about topics relevant to school nurses, IT personnel and anyone interested in how technology can tackle the current public health crisis in the US and globally!

Track your community's immunization status

Screen your community for COVID-19 symptoms

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